Paul, Kristen. Brayden, Kaiden, Akoy, Kove and Baby Lainie

Monday, April 5, 2010

10 more days........

We only have 10 more days until we find out what we are having. I am EXciTeD and NErvOuS at the same time. It has gone by pretty fast, thank goodness. I think it's because I have been trying not to think about it. The other day we were telling the boys that we would be able to find out soon if we would have a new sister or brother. Akoy asked, "How do they tell if it is a boy or a girl?"

No one said anything for a second and then Paul, Kaiden and I started laughing. I just wasn't sure how to answer him, do I teach them about the anatomy of boys and girls right then, or give him a technical answer? Kove saved me though and piped up, "I know how! Little boys don't have any hair huh?" All of us started laughing again. Oh the innocence of little kids....

I did tell them that the doctor had a special wand that he would rub over my stomach and they could see kind of a picture of the baby. We can explain more to them at the ultrasound or when they see the pictures. This should be fun....

Oh, the little girl's picture was not meant to be bigger than the little boys, that's just how it came over..I still have to write about my mom's pink and blue balloons and what happened


Jessica said...

WHAT! Kristen! I didn't even know you were expecting! That is so great! I am so Happy for you! I have my update list pop up when you update, but for some reason yours hasn't been. Weird. Anyway, I am so happy for you and hope that everything goes well with no complications.

Mindy said...

Oh how cute I love Cove's reply. We miss you lots!